
All of our Copies are printed on 20lb Bond Paper.

Corner Stapling or Punched 3 holes is free, upon request.

It is very important to enter the number of pages in the original set of drawings, as well as the number of sets required, accurately, in order to avoid delays in processing your order.

For example- you want to order 10 sets of a 20 page document.

  • The Number of Originals-1/s is 20. Note-Each 2/s original counts as 2.
  • The Number of Sets is 10
  • The Total Printed Pages are 200 (10 x 20= 200


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Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
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Safe Line

Why put toast in the copier? Because it gets jammed! (Ba dum tss)
And when it does, we're here to help. From school projects, to financial reports and more. 101 Creative Solutions Inc. can help you with all of your black and white and colour copying needs. Just upload your file and go!


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