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Looking for an affordable alternative to traditional framing? Plaque Mounting is the way to go. Your print is mounted on a sturdy, 3/8" MDF, with a painted bevelled edge, which is available in a variety of colours. The plaque and images are then permanently sealed with a Matte  UV-protected Laminate.

Benefits of plaque mounting:

  • It's inexpensive
  • Has a contemporary frameless appearance
  • It's light, durable, and long lasting
  • Protects your print against UV light, scratches, and moisture
  • Has no breakable glass, making it safe for children and high traffic areas

Important Notes:

  • 1/4" will be trimmed off each side of your print when bevelling the edges.
  • If you provide an original, rather than a file, which is valuable or irreplaceable, we recommend using another framing method. Contact us and we can recommend alternatives.
  • Originals can be dropped off, or mailed to 101 Creative Solutions, 3667 Strawberry Hill St, Suite 101, Halifax, NS B3K 5A8. Mailing tubes are recommended.
  • Prints up to 11" x 17" will be digitally printed on a high-end digital printer.
  • Prints 12" x 16" and larger will be inkjet printed on a photo quality inkjet printer.

Plaque Mounting is great for showing off awards, degrees, diplomas, certificates, photos, posters, news articles, drawings, jigsaw puzzles, keepsakes, maps, letters, and more. 

Plaque Mounting may also be referred to as: Block mounting, frameless mounting, plak mounting, wood mounting, mdf mounting, and plaque laminating.

Buying in bulk? You may qualify for trade pricing. Please contact us for a custom quote


Custom Plaque Mounts

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